Sex Kittens And Horn Dawgs Fall in Love (2009)

Cover Sex Kittens And Horn Dawgs Fall in Love
Sex Kittens And Horn Dawgs Fall in Love
Maryrose Wood
Genres: Fiction
For Breakfast! Everything’s Peachy in Lauraville! My whole life since I was a wee little Kitten, every time I traveled over a bridge, whether by car or bus or riding a train, some well-intentioned grown-up would say in an excited voice, “Look! We’re going over a bridge!” And I’d look. And in fact, it’s always pretty interesting.New York City has some of the coolest bridges ever in the annals of bridgedom. On the East Side there are those three famous sisters, the Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Br...ooklyn Bridges. They connect Manhattan to Brooklyn and vice versa, and they’re so close together that no matter which one you’re on, you can see that traffic is moving faster on the other two. Also in Brooklyn is the Verrazano Bridge, an astonishing piece of engineering marred only by the fact that once you get across it you’re in Staten Island. More choices for crossing the East River are available farther north, in Queens, most notably the Fifty-ninth Street Bridge and the mazelike Triborough Bridge, which inexplicably manages to go three places at once.But the crème de la plooz, as Jacob would say, the people’s choice, is the George Washington Bridge, which is on the West Side of Manhattan and spans the Hudson River at 178th Street.MoreLess

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