Send My Love And a Molotov Cocktail! (2011)

Cover Send My Love And a Molotov Cocktail!
Murder… Then and Now Penny Mickelbury THEN They moved single file through the forest, slowly, one step at a time, the leader stopping occasionally to cock his head to one side or the other, pretending to listen, as if he could discern one night sound from another. He could not. He was a child of the city. His night sounds were sirens and big car engines and tinny juke box noise that escaped from night clubs when the door opened to let someone in or out. He was out here in the woods, in the dark..., as part of a mission: Playing his part in the Revolution that would not be televised.
William Rodgers, the leader, stopped because he was tired, he was hungry, and he had a political science paper due on Friday morning that he had to finish writing—and worse—typing. He wished for the umpteenth time that he had not agreed to this mission, but as head of the Black Students Union, he’d had no choice. He was the leader. He had to lead. In truth, though, he was following more than leading. Following the minute pieces of string Eric had taped to tree trunks to mark the way through the unfamiliar wood.

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