
Cover Seduction
kbw says:
First let me say that my rating is probably mostly based on the kind of books I like to read. I found the book only because I was looking for audio books read by Phil Gigante. I liked the synopsis, and gave it a try. On the pro side, this book was written well, and the flow was good between the past and present aspects of the story. Another pro is the use of some true history about Victor Hugo. Not all of it is true, of course. The nice thing about this is that author explains the diffe
...rence at the end of the story.My cons: -- The characters were okay, but they didn't really draw me in. I liked the aunts best, and they are side characters. -- It was slow in a lot of spots, and I did not find myself being drawn back to the book. I did finish it, however, and the ending was good. Overall, I'm glad I read it. I found that the writing was interesting and unusual overall. The biggest down side for me was the slow moving plot. As a side note, For those of you like me who think the paranormal genre is broad and some it of you like, and some you don't - let me narrow it down for you. The story includes reincarnation, the "devil" or whatever you would like to call the being, seances, visions by the main character, and a few other eerie happenings. There are no vampires, shapeshifters, Fae, etc. Happy reading!!
dreena says:
As with most of the books by M.J. Rose, I loved Seduction. I got drawn into all of the storylines, and as the book cycled to each one, I alternated between wanting to finish the story line I was absorbed in and getting more absorbed into the new one.My only "complaint" if it can be called one, is Malachi and his relationship to Jac (or hers to him). I wouldn't have been so nice to him as she was, and I'm pretty sure I would have told him off, not answered his calls, and/or hung up on him.

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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

Stopped at chapter 15 very annoying as I was enjoying it and it was a disappointment when I could not continue. Hard to not finish a book once started

34vicki 6 years ago

Could not finish reading this book. It ended mid-way through.

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