Second Form At Malory Towers

Cover Second Form At Malory Towers
Genres: Fiction
Mam'zelle Dupont had come past the door of the second form, and had found it open. On looking in. she had found, to her surprise, that Mam'zelle Rougier had apparently deserted her form and left the girls alone. More surprising still, the girls were sitting as quiet as mice—and what long faces!     “What is the matter, mes petites!” cried Mam'zelle, her little beady eyes ranging over the silent class. “What has happened?”     Mary-Lou, thoroughly upset by everything, gave an unexpected sob. Mam'zelle turned to her. Mary-Lou was one of her pets, for Mary-Lou could chatter French perfectly.     “What is wrong, then? Tell me! Am I not your friend! What is this that has happened?”     “Oh, Mam'zelle—an awful thing has happened!” burst out Mary-Lou. “Belinda did some pictures of you and Mam'zelle Rougier. Nice ones of you but awful ones of Mam'zelle Rougier—and we didn't know Mam'zelle was coming instead of you this afternoon -and we put the book on the desk for you to see, and ...
Second Form At Malory Towers
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User Reviews:

Guest 2 years ago

Is a good read for ages 8-13. About a school called malory towers. The children have lots of adventures.

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