Second Burn Cowboy (Second Chance Series book 6)

Cover Second Burn Cowboy (Second Chance Series book 6)
  Published in the United States Published by Rhonda Lee Carver Cover Art by Samantha Holt Second Burn Cowboy Book 6, Second Chance Series     This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences are a fabrication of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, establishments, events, or locales is coincidental.
        Dedication: To my family     CHAPTER ONE HOW AM I roped into these things?
    Deckland Brooke clicked the windshield wipers o
...n high as the rain came down in a waterfall, making visibility next to impossible. Every few minutes high-pitched beeps sounded over the radio station with a tornado warning for the area. He had a feeling Mother Nature was pissed off and he was smack-dab in the middle of her temper tantrum. Thankfully, his 4x4 was built tough, and she stayed steady on the road.
    Looking at the leaning trees along the street, he sighed and scrubbed his jaw.

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