Sea of Fire

Cover Sea of Fire
Sea of Fire
Tom Clancy, Steve Pieczenik, Jeff Rovin
Genres: Fiction
Friday, 10:07 A.M.
Paul Hood was just finishing a phone conversation with Mike Rodgers when Bob Herbert called.
The general was on his way back from a breakfast with Senator Dan Debenport of South Carolina. The senior senator was going to be taking over the chairmanship of the Congressional Intelligence Oversight Committee from the retiring senator, Barbara Fox. Hood would not be sorry to see her go. Fox had never understood that crisis management could not function according to a rule book. Op
...-Center could not always get approval from the CIOC for operations. Bob Herbert had a nickname for the constant clash between Op-Center and the CIOC. He called it the “bility breach.” Hood demanded flexibility. Fox insisted on accountability. Those two things did not go together.
Debenport was a former Green Beret who had done two tours of duty in Vietnam. That was why Hood had sent Rodgers to chat with him. He hoped the two military men would hit it off. That would not only help Op-Center, it would also help Hood.

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