Saxon Fall

Cover Saxon Fall
Genres: Fiction
Here there were more cleared areas and fewer trees. After hours of hard riding we passed through a smaller wood and my scouts found a small Northumbrian burgh.  A river ran around one side of it. There were many farms whose smoke we could see as we approached. Our wounded warriors needed somewhere to rest so that we could heal them and our horses just needed time to recover from their exertions.  We had ridden further on their backs in mail than was good for them. Only Llenlleog’s horse looked ...fresh. It was a risk but we needed to capture this burgh and hold it.  Hopefully Penda and Cadwallon would reach us sooner rather than later. I knew that the Northumbrians would take some time to catch up with us. Dai reported that the gates were closed and that there were sentries upon the wall. That was unusual for it was still daylight.
    “We will attack this evening. Daffydd, take your men to the south and prevent reinforcement from that direction. Kay we will use your equites and squires to attack.”

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