Saved By Blood (The By Blood Vampire Series book 3)

Cover Saved By Blood (The By Blood Vampire Series book 3)
  “Of course you don’t, at least not yet.  But don’t let it trouble you, darling.  You don’t understand it because you haven’t been enlightened.  That’s why you’re here.  That’s why I needed you brought to me.  It’s imperative that you be made aware of just how special you are.”
      Megan felt like her body was going numb.  She knew that she was basically just repeating herself over and over again and part of her was embarrassed by that fact but she couldn’t seem to stop.  She felt sick and e
...xcited and terribly afraid and all she could think was that she was an orphan with zero family to speak of and yet, somehow, she was looking at somebody who looked almost identical to her.    She supposed the rational answer would be that this was some kind of long lost sister or cousin, but somehow she knew that wasn’t the case.  There was something far less conventional that served as the solution to this quandary.
      For one thing, Gordon, her over-the-top guide up to this point, was practically shaking in his antiquated boots.  He was displaying a very genuine kind of fear of this woman despite the fact that she didn’t look all that dangerous, and that alone was enough to worry Megan.    She had seen Gordon walk through a brick wall with her own eyes.  If a man who could do something like that (and who knew what else he was capable of?) was this afraid of the woman, what did that say about her?  Just what exactly was she able to do?    For another thing, Megan could hear the woman from her dreams, the one who called her little magpie, like a steady hum in the back of her head but she couldn’t make out any of the words.  It was like there was a hand clamped firmly over that voice’s mouth and muffling everything it tried to say.

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