Runny03 - Loose Lips

Cover Runny03 - Loose Lips
Genres: Fiction
Angelwings, more subdued in color but not in conformation, hovered so close to Nickel’s tiny ears that the puffs of air from their wings tickled her. The air was alive with sulphur butterflies, blues of every hue, skippers, and cloudywings, hairstreaks, buckeyes, whites and marblewings, checkered wings, goatweeds, and tiny butterflies the color of milkweed.
Each time the two-year-old reached for a butterfly, with a flutter it eluded her grasp. Yoyo, by now rather fond of the two-legged intruder
..., sprawled on her side under the lilac bush. Too lazy to catch a butterfly, she enjoyed watching them swirl as the tip of her tail wagged as if in a breeze. A bold orange monarch zipped by her nose. Yoyo nonchalantly slapped at it and missed.
Yoyo and Buster were the child’s two best friends, with Louise’s Doodlebug a close third. She played with other toddlers: her cousin Oderuss, two years older; little Jackson Frost, two years older; Robert Marker, one year older; and Ursula Vance, also one year older.

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