Run Girl: Ingrid Skyberg Fbi Thrillers Prequel Novella

Cover Run Girl: Ingrid Skyberg Fbi Thrillers Prequel Novella
She stopped when her imagination conjured up so much crap hitting the fan they’d need waterproofs and waders.
“You can’t keep this from her,” Ingrid said. “She has a right to know.”
“The Secretary of State is in the middle of very delicate negotiations. We can’t risk her being distracted by something this… this…” Sol Franklin was having trouble finding the right word.
“Her eighteen-year-old granddaughter has disappeared—please don’t tell me you were going to say trivial.” Ingrid wondered whethe
...r they’d be treading on such sensitive eggshells if the Secretary of State had been a man. Didn’t they think Jayne Whitticker could cope with a family crisis and still do her job? Ingrid decided to keep that observation to herself. It wouldn’t help the situation.
“You’ve got to understand our position here. It’s one hell of a judgment call.”
“What about the girl’s parents? Surely you have to tell them?”
“At the moment,” Angelis interjected, “this is all about containment.

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