Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - book 2)

Cover Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - book 2)
Genres: Fiction
Even among The Seven, those among us whose wings are white are expected to "set an example" and be of such high moral fiber and honesty that we mimic the beings from the Christian tomes.
    Not so for the black-winged Angels. That old tale of Lucifer still holds sway. Ironically, our leader Lucien, is black-winged and yet the most straight-laced, by-the-book, hold-you-to-a-canon-of-ethics Angel I've ever met. Seriously, I wonder if the man has ever let loose and had any fun.
    But whatever,
...that's an old gripe and it serves little purpose to dwell on it. The Council meeting was long, with endless discussion on what happened last night. What was not said rang louder than what was. Everyone present knows that only two people had the means to pull off such a feat. Augustus or Asha.
    No one is pointing a finger at Augustus. Physically or mentally. We all know him to be honorable. Of course, no fingers point at Asha, either. But that's primarily because we're all still just a bit scared of her.

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