Roses Are Dead (2016)

Cover Roses Are Dead
Genres: Fiction
Roger reached to put his cigarette out in the dashboard ashtray.
“Flick it outside.”
He cranked down the window and released the glowing butt into the slipstream. They were passing a shopping center, red and blue neon washing the inside of the Cougar.
“You never answered my questions even when I was a kid.”
“Yeah, I warped you by curbing your natural curiosity. Don’t lay that Freudian crap on me.”
“What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
“You know.”
“Killing,” Macklin said irritably. “If you’re go to do it you’ve got to be able to say it. Or are you fixing to be one of these that call themselves liquidators?”
“I was just asking.”
“After the first few times it’s just work. That’s why they pay you to do it. The ones that still get a jump out of it after five or six are ones to stay away from. Sooner or later they turn like Dobermans.”
“I mean, is it like it is in movies?”
“Nothing ever is. Those movie killers’ tongues are their best weapon.”

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