Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Rescue [the Shifters of Alligator Bend 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Cover Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Rescue [the Shifters of Alligator Bend 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
They had all checked into rooms at a nondescript hotel that was to serve as their home base for the mission.
As soon as Xavier and Oscar checked into their room and set down their bags, Xavier flopped down on the bed, looking pensive.
“This hotel room is pretty decent,” he said. “But there’s somethin’ about it that ain’t quite right. Somethin’ is missing.”
Oscar grinned. “You’re saying we should call Adele and ask her to come over.”
“Yeah, that sounds ’bout right. I think the presence of a beau
...tiful woman would do wonders for this place.”
Oscar had surveyed their room and noted that the two double beds weren’t really suited for three people.
“I think we’d have a space issue if we invited her over here,” he said. “Besides, ain’t you interested in seein’ where she lives?”
Xavier laughed. “You got the right idea, man.”
Oscar pulled out his phone and dialed Adele’s number.
“Oscar? How are you?”
“I’m doin’ fine, baby. How ’bout yourself?”

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