Rich People Problems

Cover Rich People Problems
Series: Crazy Rich Asians (#3)
Genres: Fiction

What an epic journey I had reading this trilogy. I enjoy the storyline very much. And I absolutely in love with most of the characters such as Charlie, Astrid, Alistair, Colin, Nick and Rachel. Also not to forget the Shang Su Yi herself. It's true when they say " Behind a great man, there's a great woman."
Too bad it took me too long to really start this trilogy. Totally worth reading.
After reading the latest book of this series, I can say that the series is getting better and better. The character development in this book is at a deeper level and a lot happens. There is a bigger focus on Nicky's storyline, rather than Kitty and Colette. Lots of humour, drama and personality in this third book.
The Crazy Rich Asian series has been wonderfully addictive and Rich People Problems is no exception. The third instalment rounds off the series nicely, but I do hope Kwan releases more tales of our favourite families. His writing is consistent and he never fails


to entertain. I laughed for a good 5 minutes when Rachel innocently joined her mother in law's bible study group, only to run away from a surprise pelvic examination (her mother in law REALLY wants a grandchild!)

Rich People Problems
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Guest 5 years ago

careful of spoilers guys lots of comments reveal the contents of the book... but other than that, the book was good. great resolution by kwan.

Guest 5 years ago

The crazy rich asians trilogy truly showed the most accurate depictions of what it truly be born into one of these noble, aristocratic, and overtly elitist clans.

Guest 5 years ago

Wow I’m so glad that I was able to read the books on this website! All three had their intense moments and it was definitely well written. It had a certain suspense and I really fond of astrid and charlie ending together!

Guest 5 years ago

Good book and I highly recommend. To be honest, I had high hopes for Michael and Astrid but I guess Charlie and Astrid are just meant for each other.

Guest 5 years ago

This book is awesome. I LOVE Kevin Kwan's books. They're the literally best books ever!!! I think that this book series should go on forever.

Guest 5 years ago

It's so annoying that Astrid and charlie are so unlucky. There are too many obstacles in their way

Guest 6 years ago

I love it, it was so easy to read and FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and I think there should be a series on Astrid and Charlie too..... was so ooooo o o o o o o happy when Michael turned into a Jerk:)

Guest 6 years ago

i really loved the book, it awesome to read that the major problems are common in all, the difference is only the way we tackle these problem. Would surely recommend it to others.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

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