
Cover Reunion
Genres: Fiction
His thick dark hair, in need of a cut, brushed the edge of his collar and almost covered his ears. Even though his clothing was dirty and stained, he still changed his clothes every day, just like he’d been taught. His broad shoulders were thrown back, his arms outstretched, as if he were trying to catch hold of the world.
    Only the moon saw the tears streaming down his cheeks. Only God knew the depths of his sorrow. In his mind, his people had thrown him away. The only link he still had was
... what came from his soul. Somewhere out there was a place he belonged, and he was following his heart to get there.
    An owl hooted from a nearby tree. His hands instantly curled into fists as he spun around, his eyes straining and wide with fright. The bird lifted off from the tree, its great wings carrying it silently out of sight. When it was nothing but a memory, he relaxed.
    Down below the hill, there were lights as far as the eye could see.

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Guest 4 years ago

Worth reading. I found it more on the romantic side, but with some suspence. Love the way Sharon writes.

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