Regionvm Indicarum Per Hispanos Olim Devastatarum Accuratissima Descriptio, Insertis Figuris æneis Ad Vivum Fabrefactis

Cover Regionvm Indicarum Per Hispanos Olim Devastatarum Accuratissima Descriptio, Insertis Figuris æneis Ad Vivum Fabrefactis
Genres: Nonfiction

Title with illustrated border Three of the illustrations bear the designer's name Iodo, a Winghe (or Wigne) and one his initials The text is the same, with the exception of the introductory matter, as that of the Latin edition, Frankfurt, 1598, which has title: Narratis regionvm Indicarvm per Hispanos qvosdam deuastatarum verissima ... These Latin editions appear to be based on the French edition, Antwerp, 1579, which appeared under title: Tyrannies & cruautez des Espagnols ... They contain tran


slations of the "Breuissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias" and extracts from other writings of Las Casas


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