Regency 02 - Betrayal

Cover Regency 02 - Betrayal
Genres: Fiction
Raven asked as she directed the maid with the tea tray.
Bri shrugged but said nothing.
“Very well,” Raven replied equably. “Would you like tea, my dear?”
“I think I would like to rest,” Bri answered wearily.
She did sound tired, Raven thought compassionately. She wondered what Adam had been thinking to tax her about her past at such a time. Raven would swear that sometimes the man was completely oblivious.
“Would you like to eat something first? You really must if you are to regain your strengt
“Oh, very well,” Bri replied ungraciously.
“Just so you leave me alone.”
Raven complacently placed a tray over the young lady’s lap and handed her a spoon. “Do you think you can manage on your own?” she asked with quiet concern.
“What the devil is this rot?” Bri exclaimed as she examined the bowl before her, ignoring Raven’s inquiry.
“That rot, as you so quaintly put it, is cook’s never-fail remedy for ailing strength. She says you are to drink every last drop or you’ll have her to contend with.”

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