
Cover Reconfigure
Authors: ,
Genres: Fiction
Several caffeine infusions had made their way past the bagel and pilfered Marmite into her now settled stomach. The caffeine rush was as noticeable as ever. A little sweat formed on her top lip as the buzz kicked in. Roisin realised in her zeal to meet the Marmite fixation she had taken way more risks, typed hastily and acted with even more reckless abandon than normal. This was not a game, the World was not a game. She did not know what this RC was, or why it was. She did have an inkling of a ...theory. It was not her theory, as such, but one that she had contemplated and grokked a little while ago. It helps to have spent many hours in Sci-Fi, in games and in the general culture of geekiness, to consider such things. She opened a browser window and typed into G. Oh! For the good old days when it was Google, not some street punk called G. “Yo G!” She said in a gruff voice as she typed in ‘Multiverse Theories’. Then Roisin set to re-reading what she thought she had kind of understood.MoreLess

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