Raven's Gate (2001)

Cover Raven's Gate
Genres: Fiction
“He has pneumonia.”
    “He may die.”
    “He can’t!”
    “Cure him, Mrs Deverill. It’s your responsibility. See that he lives!”
    Matt heard the voices but he wasn’t sure who they belonged to. He was lying in bed. He could feel a pillow against the back of his head. But as for the rest of it, he wasn’t sure if he was asleep or awake. He propped himself up and half-opened his eyes. Sweat trickled down the side of his face. The single movement had taken all his strength.
    The do
...or had just closed. Someone – the last person who had spoken – had left. It was a man, but Matt had been unable to see his face. Mrs Deverill was in the room with Matt, standing next to another woman, also white-haired but with some sort of bright red mark on the side of her face. Noah was lingering in the background, rubbing his hands.
    Then the room shimmered and suddenly the curtains were closed.

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Guest 2 years ago

This book starts off with normal everyday life then slowly, gradually and organically sifts brilliantly into a much darker world of blood and witchcraft.

Textbook writing of mystery elements by Anthony Horowitz, breadcrumbing the reader into a dark fantasy then concluding with a most intriguing cliffhanger to hook the reader onto the rest of the series.

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