Rakshasa book I, Part #3: Tigerheart

Cover Rakshasa book I, Part #3: Tigerheart
Genres: Fiction
We have to go.”
I felt a squeeze on my ankle that released as I squirmed, blinking slightly, forcing my eyes open. I was in the cave that lead to the Garden, still in the bed that they had prepared for me. Asena sat on the end of my bed, her hand resting over the end of my leg.
“It’s time. We need to get moving if we’re to meet the rendezvous by dawn.”
Groaning I pulled the covers over my head. “I know, I know. Two more minutes, it was just getting good—”
“Think of your friend,” Asena s
...aid, her tone gentle, “she needs us now. We’re all going, all of us, and we’re going to save her. But we can’t do it without you.”
A stab of guilt ran through me. How could I be wanting to spend time dreaming with Ishan when Katelyn’s life was in danger? I chalked it up to a post-awakening grumpiness and threw back the covers, exposing my body to the cold air.
“Yeah. Okay.” I groaned again, stretching my arms and cracking my back. “Let’s go do this.”

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