Quite a Ride : An Alex Rider Story: a Penguin Especial From Philomel Books (9781101195871) (2009)

Cover Quite a Ride : An Alex Rider Story: a Penguin Especial From Philomel Books (9781101195871)
Genres: Fiction
Once again, the mistral—that irritating wind that pokes in from the northwest—had decided to stay away and the sky was a huge, empty blue. In London, the summer had gotten off to its usual shaky start. It was pouring with rain and, with Wimbledon just a week away, everyone was watching the forecasts with a mixture of gloom and resignation. But the French Riviera, the famous Côte D’Azur, knew nothing of that. Here the sun rose early, shone all day, and only crept behind the horizon reluctantly a...nd with the promise that it would soon return.
Alex Rider stood on the terrace of the villa at Mont Boron, just outside Nice. From here he had a stunning view of the entire bay, with the beaches of the Promenade des Anglais sweeping around in a great curve that reached all the way to the airport at the far end. Even as he watched, a British Airways jet took off, tiny in the distance, rising steeply before banking left and corkscrewing up into the sky. It was a reminder that tomorrow he too would be returning home.

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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

A very good book. Excellent page-turner. Only problem is that its too short! I would recommend this book to people who like action and adventure. Overall, a brilliant book!

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