Quiet Invasion

Cover Quiet Invasion
Genres: Fiction
Welcome home, Scarab Ten.”
Tori’s words reverberated through the P.A. From the internal speakers, Michael heard a tinny reproduction of the cheers filling the corridors.
At the sound, his fists clenched until his knuckles turned white.
Michael remembered being selected for the governing board. He remembered reading the notice on his briefcase screen, leaping up, yelling like a fool, and dancing Jolynn, who was then six months pregnant, around the apartment.
Gregory Schoma had retired and moved
...back to Mother Earth. Helen and Ben between them had decided that his replacement should be someone born on the station. They had noticed the prestige schism growing between research and nonresearch personnel. That was a problem all outposts had dealt with since the first permanent settlement in Antarctica. They had also noticed, however, that a growing number of the nonresearch personnel were native Venerans.
That did not suit either of their visions for the base. So they looked for a Veneran who would be acceptable to the various funding groups and found Michael Lum.

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