Queer Theory And the Jewish Question

Cover Queer Theory And the Jewish Question
The focus, that is, has largely been on the genius and persistence of the Jewish people. Simi- larly, much of the gay and lesbian studies that developed later, in the 1970s and early 1980s, was animated by an imperative to discover and make visible what had earlier been obscured and denied. While we recognize the importance of these projects, which constitute life-affirming and field-clearing responses to long histories of institutional marginalization and silencing, nonetheless the project of ...this volume is not a recuperative one. The work in this volume is in- debted to recent developments in the fields of Jewish cultural studies and queer theory.Both Jewish cultural studies and queer theory find an alternative impetus, grounded less in the positivism of identities than in the shifting terrain of dis- course; these dynamic new fields of interdisciplinary inquiry open possibili- ties that cross disciplines, cultures, identifications, and identities. That said, it is not as if Jewish cultural studies and queer theory are strangers to the polit- ical claims that energized Jewish studies and lesbian and gay studies in their earlier incarnations.MoreLess

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