Protected By Emeralds (A Dance With Destiny book 5)

Cover Protected By Emeralds (A Dance With Destiny book 5)
“More than you could possibly imagine, Brother.”
    Nilakanta extended his wing as she approached.
    “I have wings, too, ya know. I can fly up there.” She smiled and winked at her sapphire Dragon.
    I like it better like this, sweet Guardian. Come. Scale your Dragon and free your mind. I have a soft spot waiting, just for you.
    She couldn’t help but giggle as she climbed upon his back.
    “I have great need of my bonded brother this day.”
    Ahh, you are seeking your illusive freedom
...again. Are you not, little one?
    “Not wholly, Dragon. I’d rather like some answers, actually.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I would prefer it if you were with me. Will you join me, Nilakanta? Will you travel with me through the layers and put me at ease? Come, Brother. Help me put my life in order, tie up a few of my many loose ends.”

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