Project Selection Rating Report: Gouldville-Dudley Neighborhood Development Program, Model Cities Subarea 4

Cover Project Selection Rating Report: Gouldville-Dudley Neighborhood Development Program, Model Cities Subarea 4
Genres: Nonfiction

...states the need for and describes a proposed Model Cities Neighborhood Development Program (NPD) for low to moderate income affordable housing and commercial retail space in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood located in Model Cities subarea 4 at the Quincey Street - Blue Hill Avenue intersection; evaluates this community and economic development proposal to improve the quality of life in this area using what appear to be federal guidelines; a table provides statistics on the expansion of low and m


oderate income housing plannned and under construction 1960-1972 by type of program; also includes copies of letters of support for this project; copies of this item were in the BRA collection and are dated 31 July 1972; a copy dated 27 Jan. 1972 is kept on M3.B16/RA/72.19..


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