
Cover Pocahontas
Genres: Fiction
JOHN SMITH: The Sickness Time The 3 of July, 7 or 8 Indians presented the president a deer from Pamaonoke, a wyroaunce desiring our friendship. They inquired after our shipping, which the president said was gone to Croatoon. They fear much our ships, and therefore he would have them think it not far from us. Their wyroaunce had a hatchet sent him; they were well contented with trifles. A little after this came a deer to the president from the Great Powhatan. He and his messengers were pleased with the like trifles. The president likewise bought divers times deer of the Indians, beavers and other flesh, which he always caused to be equally divided amongst the colony. About this time divers of our men fell sick; we missed above forty before September did see us. —FROM A DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA, BY EDWARD MARIA WINGFIELD JULY 27TH–SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1607 OUR EXTREME LABOR in bearing and planting pallisados had strained and bruised us. Our continual toil in the extremity of the heat had weakened us.
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