Pieces of Hate (A Wendover House Mystery book 4)

Cover Pieces of Hate (A Wendover House Mystery book 4)
Genres: Fiction
But I have seen with myne own eyes, those drowned faces and barnacled bones walking out of the surf. They stay on the shore for now, waiting, demanding I return what is theyrs. Horror dwells upon me day and nyght. I must find some way to do what they want. My wyfe who is wyth child must not be allowed to see them lest it harm the babe resting in her womb.
—from the unbound journal of Halfbeard   Ben reappeared that afternoon. There were circles under his eyes which were an unattractive shade of
... red in whites that looked a little jaundiced.
I had expected him to plead once more for the box to stay with his friend, but after he set it on my counter, he went immediately to wash his hands. I thought that, perhaps once the excitement of discovery had worn off, he was beginning to find the box as repellant as I did and to maybe question the wisdom of possessing it. At least I hoped that was what he was thinking and not plotting how he could convince me to keep it, or to let him have it. All other considerations aside, I didn’t think that the box was good for Ben.

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