Parcel to Parcel Linkage I Update: One Lincoln Street - Ruggles Center ([1---])

Cover Parcel to Parcel Linkage I Update: One Lincoln Street - Ruggles Center ([1---])
Genres: Nonfiction

...includes a history of the linkage aspects benefitting Chinatown and Roxbury of this development project formerly known as Kingston-Bedford/Essex which is located in downtown Boston's Chinatown/South Cove area; summarizes 1988 and 1989 actions, gives data on the site and the project, chronicals the design of the building and states future objetives; also provides information on the Ruggles Center mixed-use (office, retail, restaurants, hotel) development project in Roxbury and it's citizens pa


rticipation process and public benefits (affordable housing, jobs and job training, child day care, etc.); gives some background on the firm; a copy of this item was in the BRA collection..


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