v. l. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin, by R. L. Stevenson. Papers by Fleeming Jenkin.--Literature and drama: The 'Agamemnon' and 'Trachiniæ'. On the antique Greek dress for women. Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth. Mrs. Siddons as Queen Katharine, Mrs. Beverley, and Lady Randolph. Tahna on teh actor's art. Artist and critic. Griselda. On rhythm in English verse. A fragment on George Eliot.--Speculative science: Lucretius and the atomic theory. Darwin and the origin of species. A fragment on truth. v. 2. Po
...litical economy: Trade-unions: how far legitimate. The graphic representation of the laws of supply and demand, and their application to labour. On the principles which regulate the incidence of taxes. The time-labour system. Is one man's gain another man's loss?--Scientific and technical education: Technical education. On scientific teaching in laboratories Applied science: Prefatory note, by Prof. J. A. Ewing. Submarine telegraphy. Telpherage. On the application of graphic methods to the determination of the efficiency of machinery.--Abstracts of Fleeming Jenkin's scientific papers: List of Professor Jenkin's British patents
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