Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga)

Cover Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga)
Genres: Fiction
ONCE WE WERE KINGS-2nd edition  CHAPTER SIXTY-ONE   “But how do you know this was your father's sword?" Render stood guarded, but his heart softened when he saw this lethal and altogether beautiful girl weep.  Nevertheless, the fact that she had nearly incinerated him encumbered the fullness of his compassion.Ahndien reached for the sword at her side.   It rang out as she unsheathed it.  Out of instinct, Render stepped back and swung forward the sword in his hand.  Almost quicker than he could see, Ahndien slashed at him and their blades clashed, making an otherworldly, almost musical sound."Behold the chord struck." Greifer pointed to the symbols carved into the blades of both swords.  Behold the markings.  They bear an uncanny resemblance.""Like those."  Render pointed to the ones she had touched to open the portal to the Assembly Hall.Lao-Ying nodded and regarded him gravely.  "They are of the Ancient Sojourner lexicon.""Can you read it?"The old man gazed at the writing and read as... though reciting.   First, Render's sword: "Two weapons of war..."  Then Ahndien's: "...One instrument of peace."The last symbol of the phrase on Render's blade looked identical to the first on Ahndien's.  He pointed to them.   "What does this say?""It means: United."Two weapons of war—UNITED—One instrument of peace.With a grunt, Ahndien threw her sword down.  It stuck a rock on the ground sending sparks into the air.  "If they didn't kill them, then who did?" she shouted.At that moment, a frightened but very determined Branson stepped forward.  "Killed?""Who is this child?" Lao-Ying said, asking aloud what everyone else seemed to be thinking.  Render explained as much as he could before growing weary of Branson's terse and haughty interruptions and corrections.  But then the boy said something that drew an unexpected reaction from both Lao-Ying and Greifer.Lao-Ying cleared his throat with a raspy cough.  "Agon?  The Lord Agon, son of Refalla, son of Lusera?""Yes, yes.  It's all public knowledge.   Why should this surprise you so?""Was not his coat of arms the Red Gryphon?" Greifer said.  Branson stepped forward and lifted his closed fist.  On his finger, he wore a signet ring.  Render leaned forward and saw the icon.  A winged lion, with the head of an eagle.Lao-Ying and Greifer regarded each other with unspoken understanding.  "Yes, I did see it," the elderly man said."Alas, Agon."  Greifer lowered her head.  "What are you all blathering about?"  Branson pushed forward and rushed to the portal.  He began to slap the etched markings on the doorframe, “He's in there, isn't he?"Neither of them replied."Take me to him, now!"  Now with both fists clenched tight, he pounded on the stone door.  His voice broke into a shrill cry.  "Right now!  Right now!"As always, demanding, condescending.  Render had just about had his fill with this child, spoilt by indulgence and privilege.  "Oh, do shut up, you petulant little beast!"But Branson only buried his face in his hands and leaned his head against the wall.  For the first time, in all the time Render had known him, Branson wept."You're as callous are you are obtuse!"  Ahndien hissed at Render, as she brushed past him and bumped his shoulder.  She went over to Branson and put a consoling arm around him.  Her words were hushed, but her demeanor soft, compassionate.Soon, Greifer and Lao-Ying gathered around the boy and they spoke so quietly that Render could not discern a word.  After a brief exchange, Greifer opened the door once again and Branson along with his entourage walked in."That's just wonderful."  Render heaved a sigh and followed behind them, hoping whatever it was that had so engrossed them with Branson's outburst would eclipse all else.  Before he reached the end of the hall, which opened to the courtyard where all the fallen Sojourner Council members lay dead, Render heard Branson let out another cry."No!  Father, no!"  And the weeping resumed.  At the entrance to the courtyard.  Greifer took the boy who wept into her embrace.  Ahndien stared away, angry tears rolling down her face.It seemed the only person willing or able to speak with Render was that old eagle-man.  He was crouched down with his hands upon the heads of two fallen Elders, his eyes solemnly shut."What has happened?" Render asked, with quiet humility.  In response to his presence, Ahndien whipped around, trudged away from him and sat upon a stone bench with clenched fists.Lao-Ying opened his eyes and stood.  "We arrived shortly before you, Ahndien and I, expecting to seek counsel from the Assembly.  Her father had been taken prisoner by...we are not even certain who it was that took him after the raid on their village.  The last thing we expected to find was her father dead, along with all the Elders here.""Who would do this?""We thought it was you.""Why would I want to—?""It may have been the Torians, or Xieh-Suh's people.  What's even more puzzling than who, or why, is how."Greifer directed Branson to sit with Ahndien, then came to join the discussion.  "They have both lost their fathers.  We do well to afford them time to mourn."Lao-Ying nodded and regarded the bodies strewn about the courtyard.  "I have never prepared myself for this.""Nor have I.""It was simply not within the realms of possibility."Intrigued as Render was by it all, one question refused to stay put in his mind.  He turned to Greifer.  "Why have we come here, in the first place?""It hath been so ordained, long ago."Lao-Ying was now gazing around the courtyard, his lips moving silently, his finger pointing from one body to the next.  Suddenly, he stopped, recounted, then turned back.  "But one is missing.  Besides The Lord Agon and Ahndien's father, there should have been five Elders."Branson ran over to the body of the fallen Sojourner.  "Father!""Wait!" Ahndien ran after him, but not in time to stop him from turning lifting the black cape that bore the Red Gryphon insignia off of its face."But...this is not my father!"Greifer and Lao-Ying gathered around and marveled.  "Are you certain," the old man asked."Without a doubt." He laughed nervously.  "This Sir Nolin, his right hand...My father is still alive then!""This is puzzling," Greifer said.MoreLess
Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga)
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