Of Giants And Ice (Ever Afters, The)

Cover Of Giants And Ice (Ever Afters, The)
Genres: Fiction
I jumped to my feet and unsheathed my sword, ready to battle whatever oversize mouse, cockroach, or centipede had wandered into the desk.
“What?” Chase shouted from deep within a cubbyhole on the other side of the desk, where Matilda’s stash must have been hidden. He sounded more amused than worried. “Did you find cat food in your sandwich? That happened to me once.”
It was a man. He was short and wiry, his red hair braided down his back. His goatee made his face seem very pointed, like a fox.
...My first thought was that the Director had sent reinforcements, but I couldn’t figure out which Character he was.
“He—he came out of the letter,” Lena whispered.
“Kids? Not EASers.” The man sighed. “And here I thought this was going to be so easy.” He drew two swords strapped to his back. They were slender and glinted silver in the light of Lena’s flashlight. Seeing their sharp points, I froze. He was not on our side. “I guess I’ll have to kill you. She did say leave no witnesses.”

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Guest 5 years ago

I love this website. I love this author! Most of all, I love this book. It has perfect amount of drama, suspense, and that bit of romance that we'll save for the entire series!

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