
Cover Numbed!
Genres: Fiction
After dinner, I helped Kaylee with her math homework. It was cute watching her draw a circle around the bigger number in each pair. Her homework involved a lot more coloring than mine.
The next day, when it was time for math, Ms. Fractalli wrote 85 on the board. “This is the lowest average I will accept,” she told us. “I’d be much happier if it comes out closer to this.” She wrote 100. “But if the average score is at least 85, you will get ice cream sundaes.”
I looked over my shoulder at Benedi
...ct, pointed at my chest, and mouthed the words one hundred.
Benedict tapped his chest and mouthed 110.
I gave him a puzzled look. “Extra credit,” he whispered.
I didn’t know whether there’d be any extra credit problems, but I knew I was ready to blast through whatever our teacher threw at us. I was a flawless math machine, a fearsome number cruncher, and a tireless human calculator. Nothing could stand in my way.
I was so eager to start that I almost snatched the test right out of Ms.

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