Novel 1972 - Callaghen (V5.0)

Cover Novel 1972 - Callaghen (V5.0)
Genres: Fiction
The sky was without a cloud, the land stirred slightly, leaves moved gently.He settled down to wait. He had water, and he knew how to be patient. Without patience no man should go into the desert. The rocks wait for the years to change them, the plants wait for the rain. The Indians, too, know how to wait.Callaghen had learned patience in other deserts, in other lands. He sat still now, just keeping alert and waiting, ready to pick up any movement. The Indians knew where he was, and they would choose their own time. In the meantime, the command had ceased firing, and silence lay upon the desert.The stage should be along soon, and in the stage was Malinda Colton.Heat waves shimmered over the sand, blinding him to the near distance. He could see far off, and he could see the sand in front of him, but a few hundred yards away everything was vague and indistinct.Though his eyes and ears were alert now, his thoughts wandered to the Suleymani Hills and Dost Mohammed. He had been an officer ...then, in command of a thousand wild Afghan horsemen, who were born to the saddle and were fierce fighters.MoreLess
Novel 1972 - Callaghen (V5.0)
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Guest 7 months ago

Callaghen is 34. The "Rebellion" was in 1848. This present time MUST not be later than1867. SO "Mrs. Murphy's Cabbage Patch" was 19 years before. Adding Calleghen's military and seafaring exploits he must be at least 38-40
There was NO need to purposely mis spell his name, the O'Callaghans in Ireland lost any relevance at least 1000 years before, and never were very large or strong.
Astonishingly Lamour invents a load of "Irish " names that are only gibberish. MacBrody seems to know everything to do with O'Callaghan History for hundreds of years.

Guest 7 months ago

The Irish rebellion Lamour is talking about is almost completely unknown. It was only in a small country village, against 47 Constabulary. They ran away with only 2 killed
So that this was Callaghen's reason for running is ludicrous. No one was hunting for him in Ireland.

Lamour makes it sound as if there were pitched battles with hundreds or thousands of casualties . Such nonsense.

I was born and grew up in Dublin and I'd never heard of it so Iooked it up just now on Wiki.

To illustrate it's importance, It's been called "The Battle of Widow Murphy's Cabbage Patch".

Guest 7 months ago

He wouldn't/couldn't join the "French Army" It would have had to have been the French Foreign Legion. And the minimum enlistment period was 5 years. So with all his wanderings a round the world by land and sea he must be now about 40 years old, but is being written as a young man. In those days 40 was regarded as late middle aged.

Guest 7 months ago

Lamour makes him say he'd "fled" the country on the first boat he could get. That meant he's have to go to Dublin, the HEADQUARTERS of the "enemy" stay there for weeks maybe before a ship to Canada would, be leaving. In 848, passage anywhere was hard to get, because of the over a million starvation deaths from the Potato blight still ongoing.

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