Northern Moonlight

Cover Northern Moonlight
Genres: Fiction
Beating drums in the distance lulled Sabrina asleep but disappeared after midnight, leaving her feeling terribly alone.  All night she tossed in the plush round bed, trying not to let her imagination rule her, but nonetheless brewing up scary scenarios in her mind.  What if an intruder came to her bungalow?  The exterior was made of stacked hay and could easily be invaded.  She did not know a soul in Martinique, save for Mariette at the desk who worked the dayshift and could not be contacted at... night.    When the sun peeked through the windows at dawn, Sabrina was both relieved and impatient to survey the island. She had not unpacked upon arriving at the hotel and was irritated to find her clothes in disarray inside the suitcase.  The most wearable item among the garments was a stretchy cotton sundress in an abstract gold and cream print.  A pair of comfortable sandals and hoop earrings completed the outfit.  Opting not to wear any make-up, Sabrina simply smeared her body with sunscreen and applied a touch of soothing lip balm.  After a nourishing breakfast of eggs and locally grown fruits, Sabrina grabbed her camera equipment and boarded the ferry to explore Martinique.  Martinique was a tiny island, not more than fifty miles, and she was determined to photograph every scenic square inch of it before reporting back to Darlene in Vermont.  Her first stop was the town of Balata, noted for its church modeled after the Sacré Coeur Basilica in Paris.  Sabrina stood at a distance from the magnificent church, photographing it against the backdrop of the Caribbean skies that shone like sapphires in the morning sun.    Later, she took a taxi that wound past gardens dappled with hibiscus flowers, jade vines, and stone cottages.  The driver let her off at La Savane Park in Fort-de-France, where she photographed fountains and benches, purposely including random tourists to give the pictures a realistic angle.  The park was studded with palm trees that waved back and forth, making an arresting vista of greenery.  Everywhere Sabrina roamed, she was greeted by the most brilliant forest greens and marine blues she had ever glimpsed.  Through her exploration, she learned that Martinique had lagoons, cliffs, and even an active volcano called Montagne Pelée.  Knowing that she could not do justice to Martinique in just one day, Sabrina vowed to patiently explore a different section of the island each week to take advantage of the season that she would spend there.  She decided that she would reserve one whole week just to photograph the indigenous animals of  Martinique: finches, iguanas, and maybe even a monkey if she could spy one.  Another week would be dedicated to exploring the many plantations where avocadoes, bananas, sugar cane, and mangoes grew in abundance.  Still another week, Sabrina planned to take a cultural tour of Martinique, immersing herself in the marvelous landscape of inhabitants of French, African, Chinese, and Arab descent.  Sabrina’s mind brimmed with creative ideas, and she realized that as much as she loved Gio, this was the opportunity of a lifetime that she would not let slip away.MoreLess

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