Nightmare’s Edge

Cover Nightmare’s Edge
Nightmare’s Edge
Bryan Davis
Genres: Fiction
A young woman, her red hair partially covered by a woolen hood, extended an armful of coats, a wide smile on her face.
He puffed her name in a stream of white vapor. “Daryl!”
“In the flesh.” She pushed the coats toward Kelly. “Yours is on top, Kelly-kins.”
Kelly lifted the coat and slid her arms through the sleeves. “How did you — ”
“Easy. You left the coats in the observatory. I brought them. You know what I always say.” She used her fingers to spell out letters in sign language.
Nathan strung
... them together. “Be prepared?”
“Hey!” Daryl said. “Look who knows sign language!”
“You always say, ‘Be prepared’?” Kelly asked.
“Well, lately, anyway.” She peeled off the second coat and gave it to Nathan’s mother. “This was Daryl Blue’s. I think it’ll fit you.”
Nathan took the last coat and passed it to Amber, but she pushed it back. “I am not cold.”
He gazed into her bright eyes. Her body, now glowing with a pale golden aura, shifted back and forth as if swaying with an inaudible tune, her bare feet rising to tiptoes and then falling with each cycle.

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