New Dawn (Wandering Engineer)

Cover New Dawn (Wandering Engineer)
Genres: Fiction
It never was a good thing to go to sleep angry, and going into cryostasis angry just aggravated the problem. He couldn't help it.
It wasn't that he was helpless in a life pod that had angered him. No, such rare situations were woven into his training. No it was the sheer helpless fury of the last moments of the battle that left him angry. She had been a good ship, but no match for the trio of Xenophobe light cruisers that had ambushed her on the edge of the hyper zone. Still she had managed to
...take out 2 of her ambushers before the mounting damage had forced the Captain and AI to call to abandon.
He had sprinted through the dim shattered corridors to a pod in less than a minute. The pod's ejection had momentarily disoriented him. Sprite had tapped into the pod's controls to spin it up and away from the remaining xenophobe ship.
Helpless he watched the sensor feed as the ship's pods were picked off one by one. The enemy was merciless, no quarter asked or given. The ship had made one last ditch valiant effort, engines flared to life on overload, emergency thrusters burning with reckless abandon to keep her on course with the enemy ship.

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