Nanovision: What Would You Do With X-Ray Vision?

Cover Nanovision: What Would You Do With X-Ray Vision?
He glanced over at Daniel. The kid was out again, sweat beading up on his forehead−his fever was back. Rudy let him sleep and went in to register, getting them both a room on the fourth floor with two double beds. He had to bribe the bellhop twenty-bucks to help him lug Daniel to the room along with the promise of another twenty if the kid threw up. He told the bellhop that it was his grandson’s twenty-first birthday and he had been out partying with friends, gotten drunk and lost his shoes God... knows where. The lie worked.
When they arrived at the room Rudy and the bellhop put Daniel on one of the beds, and the bellhop left with his best tip of the night. Rudy glanced at his watch. It was almost eleven and he was hungry. He scrawled out a note letting Daniel know he’d gone for food. A half hour later Daniel woke up.
For a millisecond Daniel thought he was blind again−all he saw was white, but instantly his vision burst forth filling his head with color and dimension. Granted it was a cheap hotel room, but it was sight and Daniel was beside himself with joy.

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