Myths And Legends of the Sioux

Cover Myths And Legends of the Sioux

FOREWORDIn publishing these ":Myths of the Sioux," I deem itproper to state that I am of one-fourth Sioux blood. Mymaternal grandfather, Captain Duncan Graham, a Scotchmanby birth, who had seen service in the British Army, was oneof a party of Sc·)rch Highlanders who in 1811 arrived inthe British Northwest by way of York Factory, Hudson Bay,to found , .... hat "vas known as the Selkirk Colony, near LakeWinnipeg, now within the province of Manitoba, Canada.Soon after his arrival at Lake 'Winnipeg


he proceeded up theRed River of the North and the western fork thereof to itssource, and thence down the Minnesota River to Mendota,the confluence of the lli!inncsota and Mississippi Rivers,where he located. My grandmother, Ha-za-ho-ta-win, ",,,'asa full-hlood of the lledawakanton Band of the Sioux Tribeof Indians. ~ly father, Joseph Buisson, born near Montreal,Canada, was connected with the American Fur Company,with headquarters at Mendota, 11innesota,Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS; Dedication; Page; 5; Forevoru 7; The Forgotten Ear of Corn 1 I; The Little :Mice 12; The Pet Rabbit 13; The Pet Donkey IS; The Rabbit and the Elk 18; The Rabbit and the Grouse Girls 20; The Faithful Lovers 23; The Artichoke and the Muskrat 29; The Rabbit, and the Bear with the Flint Body 31; Story of the Lost Vife 34; The Raccoon and the Crawfish 37; Legend of Standing Rock 40; Story of the Peace Pipe 42; A Bashful Courtship 4S; The Simpletun's Visdom 48; Little Brave and the Medicine iToman S2; 'The Bound Children S6; The Signs of Corn 64; Story of the Rabbits 66; How the Rabbit Lost His Tail 68; Unktomi and the Arrowheads 77; The Bear and the Rabbit Hunt Buffalo 80; The Brave Vho Vent on the Vlarpath Alone and; Von the ~ame of the Lone Varrior 86; The Siollx Vho M


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