Mystery in the Minster

Cover Mystery in the Minster
Genres: Fiction
It stank, too, despite the incense that smouldered at strategic intervals. The reason was the ever-increasing number of refugees – most had waded through filthy water to reach the city, and some had brought animals. Stockades had been built outside, but the goats, pigs, chickens, and even occasional cow, represented all some folk had managed to salvage, so they were understandably reluctant to be parted from them. In the interests of compassion, Thoresby had capitulated, and the great church with bleats, lows, grunts and clucks.
‘There is Alice,’ said Michael, pointing. ‘Lord! She looks different!’ Bartholomew stared in surprise: the Prioress was wearing the garb of her Order, and there was not a scrap of jewellery in sight. Her hair was swept decorously under her wimple, and her habit was plain and unadorned. The only sign of her former self was that she had chosen to pray at the Altar of Mary Magdalene, the one favoured by prostitutes.
‘It is time to make amends,’ she explained, heaving herself up from her knees as the scholars passed.

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