Mystery And Manners

Cover Mystery And Manners
Genres: Fiction
It has been suggested that for the purposes of this symposium,* we conceive religion broadly as an expression of man’s ultimate concern rather than identify it with institutional Judaism or Christianity or with “going to church.”
I see the utility of this. It’s an attempt to enlarge your ideas of what religion is and of how the religious need may be expressed in the art of our time; but there is always the danger that in trying to enlarge the ideas of students, we will evaporate them instead, a
...nd I think nothing in this world lends itself to quick vaporization so much as the religious concern.
As a novelist, the major part of my task is to make everything, even an ultimate concern, as solid, as concrete, as specific as possible. The novelist begins his work where human knowledge begins—with the senses; he works through the limitations of matter, and unless he is writing fantasy, he has to stay within the concrete possibilities of his culture. He is bound by his particular past and by those institutions and traditions that this past has left to his society.

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