My Theodosia

Cover My Theodosia
Genres: Fiction
They wedged themselves amongst the wildly excited crowd inside the Capitol, craning and jostling with the others for a clear view.
Aaron, splendid in black silk, as presiding officer of the Senate made a brief, graceful speech presenting the new President, for his inauguration, to the assemblage and to the new Chief Justice, John Marshall, who administered the prescribed oath. Jefferson's lanky, unkempt figure towered over him, yet Theo was not the only one in the Senate Chamber who felt that A
...aron would have better suited the high position, and that Jefferson would make but an uncouth and grotesque representative for the growing nation.
It's all wrong, thought Theo bitterly. It should have been Father. Why are people so blind—so stupid?
    Though Aaron privately shared this opinion, neither to friend nor enemy did he ever show the slightest disappointment at the eventual outcome of the tie vote. On the contrary, during the last weeks, when the election had finally been thrown into the House of Representatives, and that harassed body had doggedly cast indecisive vote after vote for thirty-five ballots, and on the thirty-sixth the Federalists voted in sufficient numbers to elect Jefferson, Burr had taken pains to disclaim all personal interest in the matter, assuring everyone of his dismay at the situation.

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