My Lady Below Stairs

Cover My Lady Below Stairs
Genres: Fiction
They passed a spreading oak with a heavy branch stretching near one of the tall windows on the upper story. Before he thought better of it, Ian put his foot in a low crotch of the tree and shimmied up the rest of the way to peer through the wavy glass at the revelry inside.
“What are you doing?” Edward said, hugging himself and hopping from one foot to the other against the cold. “If you're caught playing peep-Tom, we'll both be in for it.”
“No one's looking this way. I'll only be a moment. Just remember that tin of tobacco I promised ye.” Ian leaned in to improve his view.
The dancing had begun, stately and elegant. The fine ladies and gentlemen moved through the prescribed steps with grace and refinement. Along one greenery-festooned wall, seated matrons gossiped behind their fans. A few young bucks were gathered around a steaming wassail bowl, sipping from silver cups and eyeing the row of wallflowers in speculation. One of them screwed up his courage and approached a slender miss a pink gown so pale it seemed only a ghost of the color.MoreLess
My Lady Below Stairs
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