My Heart Says Yes

Cover My Heart Says Yes
Genres: Fiction
Jordan Miller and I met each other the first semester of our junior year of college and we had pretty much been inseparable ever since.  Our friends and families thought we were perfect together because we seemed to have so much in common, and I started getting subtle hints from my mother that she wanted me to settle down with him.  My family owned ten car dealerships across the state of Wisconsin so we were pretty comfortable financially, and Jordan’s family had old money and they were deeply ...involved in local politics.  My mom thought we were a match made in heaven and I think my mother was afraid that I would never meet anyone else, so she was super supportive of my relationship with Jordan.  My mother didn't have the same reservations about my younger sisters Katie, Brielle and Christine. Katie was two years younger than me and basically, I always felt like I was living in her shadow.  She was absolutely gorgeous, tall, thin, had a bubbly personality, she was in a sorority and was extremely popular.  I, on the other hand, was much more curvy, and fairly attractive, but did not receive anywhere near the amount of attention that Katie received when she would just walk down the street past a group of men.  Men seemed to worship her and when I was being honest with myself, I knew that was something that I wanted.  I was overweight, which I had been my whole life, I wore glasses, I was a brainiac, and I was that person that disappeared into the crowd rather than stood out in it.  I was the oldest of four girls and, although I loved my sisters very much, it was difficult to not feel like the ugly duckling in the family sometimes.  I used to joke with my mother that the milkman was my real dad because I looked nothing like my sisters.  They were all gorgeous, tall and thin.  I was the only one who was average height and slightly overweight.  Katie was stunningly pretty and a sophomore at my university, and the twins, Christine and Brielle, were just finishing up their junior year of high school.  They were fraternal twins and each of them were also really pretty girls.  I know that people in town talked about us because I would always catch them looking at me with a bit of pity in their eyes.  I could just imagine what they were saying about me.  Poor Emma, she sure didn’t get the looks in the family, but at least she’s a smart cookie!   I tried not to let the stares and whispers bother me, but sometimes they did.  I knew that I needed to exercise, but I found comfort in my studies and Jordan never complained about my size so I kind of resigned myself to being the smart, chubby, older sister.  To make myself feel better, I kept telling myself that one day I would lose the weight.      My weight didn’t seem to affect my dating all that much, or at least that’s what I told myself.  It wasn't like I never had boyfriends in the past, I did, but some of them seemed to be more interested in me because we had money or they wanted to get to know Katie.  When I met Jordan I was a little bit worried that he also might try to use me to get to Katie, but he seemed to like me for me, at least in the beginning it seemed that way.MoreLess

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