My Everything

Cover My Everything
Genres: Fiction
I look up from my desk to find my co-worker, Roman, standing in the doorway.“Come in,” I say clearing my voice. I can’t believe I remembered that fight with Josie. I thought for sure I was leaving her then, but no, like the idiot I am I stayed and took more of her punishment. “Are you all packed?”I look around the sparse room. Only my roommate hung pictures. I brought my clothes and one picture of Noah. That was the extent of my personal possessions. “Yeah, just had my clothes. I didn’t bring much with me.”“It’s a shame you aren’t staying longer. We could really use you around here.”I smile and nod in thanks. “It’s time for me to head back home. I have a practice there that I really need to get back to. I told my sub I’d be gone a year and I miss my patients.”“I understand,” he says. He taps me on my shoulder. “I’ll see you downstairs in a few minutes.”I turn back to my desk and finish what I was working on. It’s hard to believe that my year is up.
My Everything
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