My Asian Dragon: a Bwam Romance Story

Cover My Asian Dragon: a Bwam Romance Story
The soft texture of the cotton sheets under her made her sit up with a start. Where was the forest? Where was the man? More importantly, where was the dragon?
    Panic gripped her legs and Joy scrambled to get out of the bed, when a calm, sonorous baritone spoke from behind her. "Please be calm.
You are safe." Joy looked around, and realized the voice had come from the same man she had seen last night. He was sitting on the floor next to the head of the bed, which was pushed against the wall.
...She hadn't seen him at first because of the bed posts, and his sitting so low. "Who are you?" "My name is Longwei. I am the leader of this village." Joy cocked her head. There was no way that Longwei could be the leader of a whole village, in her opinion. In a culture that lent a premium to experience and longevity, Longwei looked to be her age, definitely no older than thirty five. He was actually a bit larger than most of the Chinese men she had met, maybe about five foot ten or eleven, and about a hundred and seventy pounds.MoreLess

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