Murderers And Other Friends

Cover Murderers And Other Friends
Genres: Fiction
There I saw the actors I most admired: Randle Ayrton, now an unknown name but an unforgettable Lear for me, and Donald Wolfit, gone down in history as an irredeemable ham, who was the actor who most easily, in those days, made me cry. In London, during the holidays, we also went regularly to the theatre, after prolonged dinners at the Trocadero. Perhaps it was my father’s fault that I longed to be an actor, and then a dramatist, and finally caused his character to become submerged by a sea of l...eading players.
    Ten years after my father’s death I wrote a play about him and much of him departed into fiction. In A Voyage Round My Father I made up new dialogue for him and began to forget which words he had spoken in his lifetime and which I had given to his subsequent shadows. Most people keep their memories, and their fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and lovers, safely within them. For writers, such characters are redrawn, reconstructed and given away in books and plays; they leave and go for a while into the public domain, until they and their authors are forgotten.

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