Murder On St. Mark's Place

Cover Murder On St. Mark's Place
Murder On St. Mark's Place
Victoria Thompson
Genres: Fiction
Mark's Place 3 SARAH COULDN’T BELIEVE SHE WAS DOING THIS. She’d gone shopping with Lisle Lasher after Gerda’s funeral, and Lisle had convinced her to buy a hat that could only be called ridiculous. She’d done her hair in a fancy pouf, then pinned the outrageous hat with its huge silk roses and oversized brim onto the top of it. She’d even painted her lips, which was as far as she would go, even though Lisle advised some rouge, too.
She wouldn’t look too out of place in a shirtwaist and skirt. L
...ots of working girls wore them to the dances, Lisle had told her, but she should have some beads to dress it up. Sarah was now the proud owner of a strand of gaudy glass ones. She would make Lisle a gift of them when the evening was over.
Harmony Hall was a large empty room over a saloon on Fourteenth Street. The sound from the band—it couldn’t be called music—was audible down the street. Sarah decided it must be unbearable inside the hall. The girls had met her a few blocks away, and as they strolled down the street toward it, Sarah began to sense their nervousness.

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