Ms. Zephyr's Notebook

Cover Ms. Zephyr's Notebook
Genres: Fiction
Zephyr’s Notebook 7 He flipped the notebook closed and dropped it on the next seat. The bus swayed back and forth in a hypnotic way. Probably everyone was asleep. He should be asleep, if he wanted to have any energy in the morning. Besides, it was weird to read through Abbie’s notebook. It felt almost like his life was spilled out over these pages, all mixed in with Cleo’s life and Kip’s and everyone else who wandered in and out of their ward. He wondered how Abbie made sense of it all.
The bus
... lurched a little and Logan bumped his head against the window frame. He stared out into the darkness. What kind of fool’s errand was this? Chasing some self-destructive teenage girl across who knows how many snow-crusted miles. He should be home in his bed, the way any other person with more than half a brain would be.
Cleo had called him at home before she ran away from the hospital, but he’d been out and hadn’t heard her message on his machine until after dinner.
It felt like days ago, not just a few hours.

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