Mr. Dalrymple Revealed

Cover Mr. Dalrymple Revealed
Genres: Fiction
DALRYMPLE REVEALED   Copyright 2012 Lydia M. Sheridan   This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.
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...TERFEIT CAVALIER, VOLUME TWO: MR. DALRYMPLE REVEALED   Her single candle barely illuminated the thick darkness of the stairwell as Kate tip-toed down to the kitchen in stockinged feet. At the landing, she paused, tapped an age-darkened door twice, twice more, then twice again. The reply came: three soft knocks. Reassured, she eased on down the stairs. At the scullery door, she blew out her candle, lifted the latch, and slipped out. It closed without a sound on well-oiled hinges.
Her breath caught and held in the clear night, an unseasonable coolness speaking of the coming autumn.

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