Moving Can Be Murder

Cover Moving Can Be Murder
Genres: Fiction
The woman is always right.
2. If the woman is wrong, refer to Rule Number 1.
    I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Huh? What time was it? Where was I? I stretched and was surprised to find I’d fallen asleep in a living room chair.
Wow. My neck and back were protesting big time.
And what was this note on top of my chest? I squinted to read it without my glasses.
“Hi Carol. I didn’t want to wake you. You were snoring so peacefully. I’ve gone to the paper to work on this week
...’s column. Back later.
Love, J.”
Me? Snore? No way.
“Down, girls,” I said to Lucy and Ethel, delighted to find the procurer of their kibble awake and available to serve them breakfast.
The knocking had stopped, then started again. More persistent this time. The dogs started to bark.
“I hope whoever it is can take the shock of seeing me in my current state,” I said. “Not everyone is as forgiving as you girls are.
“All right, I’m coming,” I yelled. “Give me a second to get myself together.”

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